About Mitch

I am new to this type of formal blogging. I do have a Tumblr but I feel that the whole Tumblr thing is just for, in my opinion, childish type use and I can’t take it seriously. For that reason I use it to re-post subjects ranging from gaming to hilarious gifs about cats and so on and so forth. I do have a Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and of course Facebook.

Now, a little more about myself. I am from Central America and was adopted when I was two. I mad it through elementary school to high school and going to college. I am going into my second year of college this fall for criminology. I take classes at Hawkeye Community College while dorming at UNI.

My interests include politics, gaming, anime, horror films, and watching my favorite videos from my favorite YouTuber by the name of Markiplier. I will elaborate on much of this content, if not all. The purpose of the blog will be whatever may be on my mind. Some of it may be serious while other posts will be about a funny thing I saw or whatever.

I am new to this so this page, along with future posts, will probably updated and edited from time to time. In the meantime you can reach me via my various other social networks: Twitter, InstagramPinterest and Tumblr.

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